Before completing this application, review our Observership Guidelines and Procedures to ensure you understand what is expected from you as an observer at a Johns Hopkins hospital or health care center. You may then complete this form to submit your observership application.

This form must be submitted two weeks prior the start of your observership.

Johns Hopkins Observer Application

Personal Information

Employment Information

Emergency Contact

Observership Information
Please select the JHCP location(s) where your observership will take place:

COVID-19 Information
To continue to protect the health and safety of our patients, our workforce and the communities we serve, Johns Hopkins Medicine is mandating that all observers be fully vaccinated prior to coming on site. The CDC defines an individual as "fully vaccinated" when two weeks have passed since receiving the second shot of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, or two weeks after the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

Vaccination information

Final Steps